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Inquire About Availability
First Name
Last Name
What service do you need?
Check all that apply.
Physical Therapy
Pitching and/or Hitting Video Analysis
Pitching and/or Hitting Physical Screen
Total Body Diagnostic
Performance Assessment
Dry Needling
Please list your ideal day for an appointment
Please indicate your ideal time
Where Does it Hurt?
If other please describe here (optional)
How long have you suffered or worried?
Haven't- this is prevention
A few days
1-2 weeks
2-4 weeks
1-3 months
Long enough (4+ months)
Seems like too long (years)
What does it stop you from doing?
What concerns you the most that makes you want to consider Physical Therapy?
Check any of the boxes below that you value most when making your decisions to choose a physical therapist
Natural treatments- don't want medications or pain killers
Hands on care (manual therapy, massage, myofascial release etc.)
One on one care
Home exercises and self-treatment to speed up your recovery
Ability to limit the change that the pain will return anytime soon.
What is the #1 thing you would like to achieve from Physical Therapy?
So we can provide the pricing and availability of the service you have requested back to you, please tell us where to contact you.
Thank you!